[short description] The Radioactive Vibe was the boldest-looking Vibe ever produced, and it rolls incredibly. We are kicking the boldness and performance of the line up a notch with the new Arctic Vibe. This Vibe will stand out for its bright white and purple mix, and its screaming backend. Hammer has not produced many two-color Vibes or hybrid options; the Arctic Vibe was strategically developed to enhance the line and not replace the two previously released Vibes since they are still going strong. HK22 – CT Reactive Max is undoubtedly too much cover for this price point, it causes the Arctic Vibe to outperform anything in its category, and that’s ok because Hammerheads will
love it! [/short description]
- PART NUMBER 60-108133-93X
- COLOR Snow / Purple
- CORE Vibe
- COVERSTOCK HK22 - CT Max Hybrid
- COVER TYPE Hybrid Reactive
FINISH 500, 1000, 1500 Siaair / Factory Compound
WEIGHTS 16-10 Pounds
- LANE CONDITION Light to medium oil
REACTION Strong mid-lane and backend
- WARRANTY Two years from purchase date
- RELEASE DATE May 16, 2024
- 16 lb - RG (2.510) DIFF (0.039)
- 15 lb - RG (2.510) DIFF (0.042)
- 14 lb - RG (2.510) DIFF (0.045)
- 13 lb - RG (2.585) DIFF (0.040)
- 12 lb - RG (2.608) DIFF (0.040)
- 11 lb - RG (2.769) DIFF (0.002)
- 10 lb - RG (2.800) DIFF (0.002)